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Your kids and September 11th. Steve DeBenedetti-Emanuel, LMFT

There are those events that people remember where they were when they heard the news: Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, September 11th.

Some of your kids are old enough to remember, others may have vague memories, others not at all.  Regardless, as we approach the 10th anniversary, your kids are experiencing what happened from a whole new perspective and awareness. Even though you’ve talked about the tragedies before, this year is different.

Sure, your kids are talking about it in school and with your friends.  And then there’s the Internet, where there are seemingly limitless videos of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, people jumping out of the towers, and conspiracy theorists claiming that the planes really didn’t crash.  I was pretty sickened by it all when I did research today. My guess is that your kids are also having strong reactions, and it’s your role to help them as much as possible.

Open up a conversation with your kids, be it at a meal, in the car, or casually sitting around at home.  As much as your kids will want to hear what you have to say, it’s crucial to give them an opportunity to talk.  Raise the issue and encourage your children to share thoughts and feelings and ask questions.  Younger kids will likely want to talk.  Older ones will likely blow you off and tell you that it doesn’t matter and they aren’t worried.  Don’t believe them.

Kids are driven by emotional connection to events.  For those of you who knew someone (or someone who knew someone) who was killed, this can be a way to bring the events to a personal level for kids and get them talking.

Another way to approach things is to have them experience firsthand what occurred by attending memorial events.  In Sacramento, there are three different tributes at the Capitol, an exhibit at Cal Expo, a memorial 5K walk/run, a memorial climb, church services and vigils, just to name a few.

For those of you who aren’t into deep conversations or attending ceremonies, perhaps you’ll spend some quiet time at home with your family.  Maybe you’ll work in your garden or plant a tree.  Maybe you’ll go through your closets and gather clothes for donation.  Find something peaceful to do and briefly acknowledge the importance of the day.

Your kids (especially your teens) will probably complain about having to do stuff.  Don’t give in.  This is too important an event to let pass by without acknowledging what happened ten years ago.  Keep in mind that your kids are confused and likely somewhat afraid.  As much as anything else, your kids want to feel safe, reassured, and loved. By doing something you’ll help your kids (and you) feel this way.

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